Ok... I'm in Singapore now, JYP auditions tomorrow. I was so bugged about it that I forgot to write my leading man a personal birthday note :P This is a temp post. I'll spiffy it up when I get back to Melaka. I wish me luck, Jae... if this works out, I'll be on my way to Korea to you, for real ;)
I love you, Kim Jae Joong!!! Happy Birthday!!!
As promised, my special birthday message for my man, Jae Joong.
나의 남자... 나의 영웅... 김재중...
The past year has been a year of trials and tears for you. The past year has also seen great achievement from you. Through it all, you stuck with it, you smiled through your tears for us. Through it all, you are still true to yourself. You are still the same 김재중. Please stay the same forevermore, but remember that it's alright to share your pain with us. It's alright you cry in front of us. As I have said in the past, the tears did not make you less of a hero to us, it only brought you closer to us and made you more endearing. We now see you as 김재중 the human as well. No matter what happens, we will love you. Never forget that.
Another year older, are you now wiser? ^^ I just want to say 생일 축하해! May the year ahead be joyful and sucessful for you. 사랑합니다...
Haha! Good luck in the JYP auditions!
And Happy B'day to dear JaeJoong too! <3
again and again...we know you can do it....
dont overstress urself...have a goodnite sleep tonite....
see u in KOrea...
Good luck Sierra!
I bet you already had your ausitions...
I SO want to know all about it.
Did you say your *short* korean speech well? (;
hehe~! ^^
I'm sure you did GREAT. =)
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